This is a Pest Hackz course project blog at Moholy Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest. The place is the subway station. In the city-screen, there are animated pigeons, moving around, pickink things and puffing up. The Urbaneasy interaction is made for the public transport passangers. The purpose is to dislocate the people from their everyday rhythm. It hacks the circulation of the city. The pigeons acting only in case there is no motion before the webcam. The system senses the motion via the webcam and the softwer, written for the pigeons. As someone or something moves, the pigeons stop the current action, then fly away. In a moment they return, and start the action agaian. We are three in the project: Dániel Székács (Budapest), Tamás Bereznai (Szentendre) and Torsten Posselt (Berlin).
history log | by dániel
In order to fulfil the project we got into a contact with BBO Ltd, who is the owner of the "City Screen". After a short telephone review, it seemed that they might support us./ After that we sent an email which contained the synopsis from the basis idea and its implementation. However we have not received any answer since then. After having called again, we received such a negative answer that, they had not got enough time to process the subject. But they promised that, they will definitely inform us. It would be essential to cooperate with BKV Zrt. in order to use the area, but unfortunately we did not get neither a feedback nor substantive answer.
Tags: about
what we need
At first we need the design, the animation, then the engine, which operates the poigeon software, called "flyaway". This is Tamás's and Torsten's task. We need to communicate with the Budapest Public Transport System, and the City-screen supplyer. This is Daniel's task. After all, to make it work we gonna get some equipments: webcam, computer, the screen, and lots of passangers.